Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Got doubts? Here are our answers to the most frequently asked questions. Can’t find the answer you are looking for?
Write to us at: [email protected]




What are we offering at the Sports & Events Europe? 
Buyers are planning corporate events and incentives with a strong sports element and they are looking for the best partners.

Sports & Events Europe is the ultimate marketplace for sporting venues and destinations to meet with the key decision makers in meetings, incentives, hospitality, corporate travel and sport tourism.

When is the Sports & Events Europe? 
Next edition: March, 2025 – Malaga, Spain

Why now?
Sports focused travel is considered the fastest growing segment in tourism:

  • Longer programmes duration compared to the classical incentives and meeting trips
  • Established programmes generate regular business
  • Higher revenue: more services contracted within the same venue
  • Companies increasingly investing in wellness and sports activities in post pandemic times


Why should I join as Buyer at the Sports & Events Europe? 

Sports & Events Europe is the perfect marketplace to:

  • Meet with current and new business partners for your events and group travel programs.
  • Reach new Supplirers from the meeting & sports travel industry (niche market)
  • Develop and maintain personal contacts
  • Learn about new destinations and experiences
  • Position your brand, products and services to a targeted audience

Are there still space available as Buyer?
Please contact our team at [email protected]

What does the Buyer programme include?

  • +20 pre-arranged appointments with suppliers
  • Return Flights to the event destinations (up to a maximum spend)
  • 1 x buyer Accreditation
  • Accommodation and breakfast at the event hotel
  • Welcome reception with buyers
  • 1 Dinner with suppliers and other buyers
  • 2 Coffee breaks and Lunches with suppliers and other buyers
  • Rich programme of experiences and outdoor activities 
  • Contact list of all participating suppliers in the Sports & Events Workshop

How are the meeting sessions conducted?

Buyers will be seated at an assigned table while the suppliers will be moving to meet the buyers. Table seating plan is available on-site and also in the App.
Duration of each meeting: 15 minutes
There will be a timer to guide you along to control the time of each meeting.

Is there a dress code?
Not really, we recommend a casual/business attire for the meeting sessions and casual dress code for the activities. 

When will I get my Sports & Events Workshop badge?
You will receive your badge at registration desk during the Welcome reception or registration desk at Sports & Events workshop entrance. All participants must wear their badges at all times to gain unrestricted access to the Workshop.


What is a pre-scheduled appointment and how are my appointments made? 
A pre-scheduled appointment is a 15-minute one to one appointment between a buyer and a supplier arranged before the Workshop. These appointments will be held over the two days of the Workshop.

Upon acceptance as a buyer, each buyer must select a minimum of 20 suppliers whom they would like to meet. Participating suppliers will also be doing their selection. When a match is found, the confirmed appointment will be shown in your appointment diary, which will be available in our app.

Where can I find information about my appointments?
Access codes and instructions will be send to you at the email that you have used for registration as buyer.

Can I select my pre-scheduled appointments in advance? 
Yes. Detailed instructions will be sent to you by e-mail. 

Is there a mobile app available and can I see my appointments? 
Yes. The Sports and Events Europe will have an app available where you can access all information about the event and your appointments. 

How do I view / print my diary of appointments?
Detailed instructions will be send to you via e-mail.

We look forward to having you with us at the 

Sports & Events europe!

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